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161 N. Clark Street, Suite 1700, Chicago, IL 60601
Serving Clients Across 7 Illinois Locations
Food Poisoning Case Results
Illinois Food Poisoning Lawyers Secure Millions of Dollars for Victims
$11,000,000.00 settlement of nationwide food poisoning salmonella outbreak with life altering injuries.
$1,000,000+ Food Poisoning outbreaks in Chicago.
Represented clients in numerous food poisoning outbreaks throughout Illinois and Wisconsin collecting over $1,000,000.00.
$200,000.00 Food poisoning aggravation of Multiple Sclerosis preexisting condition.
$130,000.00 settlement for two people poisoned in salmonella outbreak at a funeral luncheon.
$120,000.00 Food poisoning aggravation of Celiac Disease.
Client had been food poisoned by a local restaurant chain. The client was in the hospital for several days as the doctors could not diagnose her at first. The client settled before trial for $53,000.00. She had no permanent injury. The restaurant chain paid additional funds to purchase the clients silence to avoid negative publicity.
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